Iwane Mitsui, Director of Mitsui Medical Clinic

Never give up your dream because of your poor visual acuity!

Orthokeratology is my message to Japanese youth through medical practice.

In 2006, our clinic has celebrated the 6th anniversary.
Some people even say that "The 6-year history of Mitsui Medical Clinic is the exact history of the Orthokeratology in Japan.”"Orthokeratology" is to remodel the shape of the cornea by special contact lenses and reduce myopia treatment without any surgeries. Our clinic has first officially introduced and started this treatment in Japan in May, 2000.Since then, we’ve been trying to improve our treatment at micro level details to keep proceeding to higher level until today, where we have achieved successful cases of more than 4000 patients.

Our policy, “Properly promote the base concept of the Orthokeratology in Japan” has been supported by our patients with their pleasant comments on improving their visual acuity. We must say that they are also the pioneers on the Orthokeratology’s history.

In 1969, the Apollo 11 lunar landing led me to a dream for space made proceed to the medicine, to be engaged in NASA's space medical research, they all have the challenge of space for me, the last barrier of astronaut selection was 0.02 of my eyesight.

In 1995, I was a NASA research associate and started Orthokeratology in U.S.

My uncorrected vision was improved to 1.2 but the time was already too late because I was over the age for the selection criteria of the astronauts.

Like me in the past, if there’s any young people still forced to abandon the dreams because of their poor visual acuity, I wish this treatment will make their dreams come true.And this exact wish has been my driving force for 6 years.Orthokeratology is my message to Japanese youth through medical practice.

Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to support our patients’ dreams and hopes of better visual acuity.

Fortunately, we could take a US patent for OSEIRTO / Ortho K in 2005.

We are now going to deploy a new treatment "OSEIRTO" to cover excessive myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia and presbyopia, which will go beyond the limit of conventional Orthokeratology.Also, as a designated institution of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, we will be providing distinctive medical practice such as physical examination for airline pilots, complete medical checkup for brain as well as cancer, gravity therapy, etc.We deeply appreciate all of your kind support and would like to ask for your continuous encouragement and support for our medical practice to help making many people’s dream come true.


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